
4 • Charts

Turning numbers into pictures.

Plots, graphs or charts?

The words plot, chart and graph are used interchangeably, but I will stick with chart in this course. The reason I prefer this term is because it feels more general: for example we could be making a map, and the word “graph” would not make sense. Also, the word “plot” is kind of reserved for some things in Python, and is in use by some graphics libraries.

As always, beware what you name your files! For example, if you name a file something like, it will conflict with instructions such as import plotly!

At the end of the last section we had a data app with a layout ready for more components. In this section, we will be bringing data into the app, and creating our first visualisation.

Bringing our data into the script

We can’t get much further in creating a data app without some data! Our input dataset is a CSV of global demographics - information about the economies and populations of countries. We will be using pandas to read our data in: Streamlit is built with pandas in mind: data workflows and visualisations will usually expect to be working with dataframes.

Download this demo_dataset.csv (right-click and Save link as…). Put the file into the folder with your script.

Loading up pandas

First, we need to update our script to import pandas. Add this at the top of your script add:

import pandas as pd

Now we can read our dataset into a dataframe using pandas. Add this line below your imports, but above the rest of your code. We put this near the top is because this code is not related to building the interface: Python will run the script from top to bottom, so it will need to know what your data is before it can do anything with it.

demo_df = pd.read_csv("demo_dataset.csv")

Exercise 3: Viewing our data

Before we go any further, let’s get a feel for what the data is. We can view dataframes in the app itself (and we can even edit dataframes natively in app! but we won’t cover this today).

Exercise 3: Populate a tab with a dataframe

In this exercise, the goal is to use tab1 to display our dataframe. Remember to save your Python file to see the changes in your Streamlit browser tab.

  1. Remove our st.write() command from tab 1.
  2. Use the command st.dataframe() to display our data in tab 1. This command will be expecting the variable containing a dataframe as an argument.
Exercise 3 solution

So far, our script should look like this:

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

# use pandas to read our CSV file into a dataframe called "demo_df"
demo_df = pd.read_csv("demo_dataset.csv")

# build the sidebar
with st.sidebar:
    st.title("World Demographics")

# create two columns, of ratio 3:1
column1, column2 = st.columns([3, 1])

# place info box in first column
with column1:"Welcome to the global demographic data explorer app.")

# create two tabs
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Data", "Visualisation"])

# put some stuff in the tabs to check they are working
with tab1:

with tab2:
    st.write("And this is tab two!")

Your first chart

Now that we have our data available, we can begin work on visualising it, which will require one more import. Add this to your imports at the top of the script:

import as px

We are using Plotly for a number of reasons:

  • it has an intermediate learning curve
  • the documentation is good
  • the syntax is relatively easy to use, without being over-simplified
  • the graphs it creates are good-looking, customisable and interactive.

There are two steps to getting our data from the dataframe to into a graphic:

  1. Creating a chart object
  2. Asking Streamlit to present this chart object

Creating a chart

Plotly (and most graphics libraries) work best with dataframes, which we have ready for it. As a minimum, a Plotly scatter chart needs three things:

  1. The datafame to work with
  2. The data to plot on the x axis (ie, one of the dataframe columns)
  3. The data to plot on the y axis (another dataframe column)

For points [2] and [3], we need to choose two dataframe columns to plot. Set your dataframe to be displayed (using the checkbox we made earlier). Let’s choose the columns CO2 per capita as our x, and GDP per capita as our y. We create our chart object like this:

chart = px.scatter(
    data_frame = demo_df,
    x = "CO2 per capita",
    y = "GDP per capita")

Note that indentation here is for clarity, with each parameter on a new line. If a function is taking lots of parameters, it is good to make things clear with new lines: Python will allow new lines after commas, and convention is to indent to make it clear these are inside brackets. But be aware that this indentation has no functional purpose - it is purely for clarity.

Displaying the chart

OK, so we have built the chart object - now can now display it by handing it to a chart element , in this case st.plotly_chart(). We will put this into our second tab. Add this at the bottom of your script:

with tab2:

Save your file, and explore the visual! Investigate what the icons at the top right of your chart do. Double-clicking the chart resets, if you get lost, or click the “rescale” button (it is visible when you mouse over the chart, in the top right).

Customising our chart

This is a good start, but let’s explore more of the parameters that px.scatter() can take. Let’s colour our dots, using the Continent column of the dataframe as our colouring key. This is done by adding to the arguments building our chart object:

chart = px.scatter(
    data_frame = demo_df,
    x = "CO2 per capita",
    y = "GDP per capita",
    color = "Continent")

(Note that the color argument is spelled in International English!) Save, and notice the changes.

Exercise 4: building a better visualisation

Exercise 4: better visuals

So far, we have a chart which expresses three things: the CO2, GDP and continent of the countries in our dataset. In this exercise, we are adding arguments to px.scatter(), to include further data.

  1. We can control the size of points. Add a parameter called size, and assign the column name "Services" to it (note that any dataframe column name is a string).
  2. Our mouse-hover tooltip is not very useful right now. Add a parameter called hover_name, and assign "Country" to it.
Exercise 4 solution

Your Streamlit script should look similar to this:

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import as px

# use pandas to read our CSV file into a dataframe called "demo_df"
demo_df = pd.read_csv("demo_dataset.csv")

# put a title in the sidebar
with st.sidebar:
    st.title("World Demographics")

# create two columns, of ratio 4:1
column1, column2 = st.columns([4, 1])

# place info box in first column
with column1:"Welcome to the global demographic data explorer app.")
# create two tabs
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Data", "Visualisation"])

# display the dataframe in tab1
with tab1:

# build px chart object
chart = px.scatter(
    data_frame = demo_df,
    x = "HDI index",
    y = "GDP per capita",
    color = "Continent",
    size = "CO2 per capita",
    hover_name = "Country")

# display the chart in tab2
with tab2:
Options for plotting libraries

Streamlit is designed to use a range of popular Python plotting libraries . These have their strengths and weaknesses. Here is a quick, incomplete summary; click the links for galleries of what each library can do:

  • matplotlib : a classic Python plotting library. Mature, widely-used, relatively easy, but not as sophisticated as others, and no interactive features.
  • Altair and Vega Lite : these are both APIs for controlling the mighty D3.js . Very powerful, but steep learning curve.
  • Plotly : another JavaScript library, but easier to use than the D3.js wrappers.
  • Bokeh : yet another Python API to control JavaScript!
  • PyDeck : this runs the Deck.GL graphics library, creating 3D models, from medical to geographical. It also integrates with MapBox .